As you can tell by the title of this post, we are pregnant! It still is pretty weird to say that out loud/type it. On Wednesday, May 11 I was packing to head back to KC for baby Patrick's baptism. I had been feeling kinda weird for the past few days, and just had that urge to take a test. When I start thinking about it, it's inevitable that I'm gonna head to CVS. This is news that you just have to know. Problem was, I wasn't late yet...but hey, I'll check anyways. So, lo and behold, I take the test and there is a super faint second line on the test. I head straight to google to find out what this means. Basically it means your newly pregnant...I really didn't believe it though. Jason came home, and I told him within about 10 seconds of him walking in the door. I had all of these great plans to tell him in a cute way whenever it did happen...but no. I am horrible at secrets, and this is one that I couldn't keep!! I think we both were just kind of in shock. I don't think that either of us really expected it to happen that quick. We had only been trying for 2 months.
So, I took another test the next day...same result. Tiny faint line. I was getting frustrated because I really just wanted to know!! Couldn't it just have two dark lines like it shows on the package?? We were back in KC by that time, and I am having to keep this from all of my family and friends. Easier said than done. So, on Saturday afternoon I bought a digital one. These are foolproof and either say Yes with a plus sign or No with a negative sign. Even I can't misjudge that test! 3 minutes later, there's a Yes and a plus sign! Ya!! Crazy. And then..yep I took another one. Total of 4 tests. I don't know why I thought that the tests were lying to me....but whatever, it's big news to take in!!
As we always do whenever we are back home, we made plans each night to go out and do stuff with friends. Friday night, we went to Trezo Vino with a bunch of my friends, and I had to "pretend drink." That is not fun. I learned this from my sister in law Courtney, who had to go through a whole bachelorette party drinking virgin margaritas. Saturday, we went out to dinner with Brett, Courtney, and Christopher, and once again...fake drinking. This basically entailed me ordering a vanilla vodka diet coke, then finding the waitress and telling them to make it just coke. Jason is convinced that my little brother saw the bartender making my drink, but we have not told the fam yet, so I still have a month until I can see whether he knows or not.
We are going back to KC at the end of June for a wedding. We are going to tell our families then. I found a cute little onesie online that I want to order for Patrick that says something along the lines of "I'm the Big Cousin." It'll be funny to see people's faces as they figure it out. Everyone knows we were trying, so I don't know how big of a shock it will be, but it'll still be fun.
Jason and I are thrilled beyond belief. We had our first sonogram on May 25, and found out I was exactly 5 weeks 6 days. Making me 6 weeks 1 day today! We got a little picture from the sonogram, but it pretty much looks like a kidney bean. Not a whole lot to see. I still love looking at it though!!
While at the doctor, he informed me that I have a cyst the size of a tennis ball on my uterus. What?! It completely freaked me out. Still does (well, it's only 2 days later). Dr. Read basically said there wasn't much they would do, and that he would do another sonogram when I go back in June to check and make sure it wasn't any bigger. Apparently, with all of the hormones going through me with the pregnancy, it is causing this thing to grow. He said that I would have cramping, and every once in awhile I might have some major pains on the right side of my abdomen. I can't lift anything heavy, and can't do anything resembling a sit up or a crunch. I was going to have to quit that anyways since my abs are going to be a thing of the past soon regardless. I am hoping that it will shrink by June 22, which is my next appointment. He said that as the baby grows, hopefully the cyst will shrink. If it doesn't, it can obstruct the delivery...which will mean I will have to have a C-Section. Really don't want to do that, and I really don't want it to burst, so let's just hope it shrinks!!!
Anyway, that is what is going on with us. Jason and I are so excited, and I think it is still dawning on me that I am actually pregnant. We are hoping and praying everything goes well with the pregnancy, and that we will get to meet our little one in January! :)
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3 weeks ago