10 more weeks to go!! Yaaa!! I had a dr. appointment yesterday, and everything went GREAT! My placenta is officially no longer previa (too low) and I am no longer going to need a c-section! Very happy about that one. Well, I say that. As long as nothing goes wrong during delivery. But it won't have to be scheduled, so that's very good news! We got to see him again on the ultrasound, and he's getting so big! His little profile still looks the same, just bigger. It was so amazing, during the sonogram she had it on his face and you could see his little mouth moving. This little man moves A LOT and literally did some sort of a flip during the process, making my whole stomach move. He weighed in at 3 lbs. 13 oz. Dr. Read said he was in the 60th percentile, being closer to babies that are about 32 weeks. I don't really believe my books anymore because they keep telling me different things about "average size" and whatnot. My book says that average weight for a baby at 31 weeks is 2.5 pounds. Hmm. Anyway, he's healthy so that's all that matters! The ultrasound tech told me he's head down with his feet on the right side of my stomach. This explains so much. He is constantly kicking his feet up into my ribs on the right side. So uncomfortable! Yesterday he was kicking my rib again, and I could actually feel him when I touched my side...so I pushed back. He then kicked me again! Apparently he didn't like me telling him what to do-this could be an indicator of what is to come, especially if he's like his mommy :)
I forgot to mention in the last few posts that I think my back pain is almost gone! Soo thankful for that! I had gotten to the point where I literally couldn't walk without help. We were more than afraid that this was going to last until delivery. I got really lucky and it really only bothers me at the end of the day when I've been on my feet a lot!
One piece of bad news we got: we are not going to be able to go to San Antonio for Christmas this year :( Jason's sister Jayme and her family are down there for hockey season, and we were going to be meeting all of the O'Bryan family down there Christmas Eve. My doctor said that he just doesn't advise going that far away when I'm full term. Understandable, but still kind of a bummer. That's what Skype is for!
Here are some picture updates:
The picture quality of these are not the best, they are really glossy this time for some reason.
Cute little face!
30 weeks
Bailey is eating a bone in that picture, not throwing up-just FYI.
Alright, I'm heading to KC tomorrow for 2 weeks! I'm pretty excited! Jayme and the boys are driving up here tonight, then we fly out together tomorrow morning. I won't do a new blog post until I get back, so don't expect anything until about the 33 week mark. There will be lots of fun updates though with pictures from my shower, Thanksgiving, and whatever else.