Thursday, July 28, 2011

15 weeks

Honestly, it seems crazy to me that I'm already 15 weeks!  The time has really flown.  Aaaanddd only four more weeks til we find out what we're having!  Yeah!!!  I am trying not to keep my hopes up TOO much because this will be the 19 week appointment, and there is a definite possibility they won't be able to tell.  Especially since our little one seems to move a lot..might not get a clear shot of what we need to see!

Found that icon, loved it, decided I will use it for my "bumpdates"

1.  I feel bigger, but you can't really tell a whole lot of difference: 

2.  Slowwlllyyyyy starting to feel better.  I had a really good couple of days, then went downhill again.  I've been told that is how this works.  I'll just start to have fewer "bad" days and more good ones.  

3.  Medicine update:  I didn't really like the Zofran.  Kept me up, and I still got sick.  Unsuccessful.  The other kind (not sure the name) helps a little more.  It makes me sleepy though so I can only take it before bed.  I didn't take anything last night, and didn't get sick.  Woo hoo!  

4.  What I miss:  Deli sandwiches :(  I used to eat turkey sandwiches all the time.  I don't like warm deli sandwiches, so I'm just out of luck.  

5.  Baby size:  an orange!  Aww....and he/she can yawn.  I find that incredibly cute.

6.  Cravings:  haven't had that many!  I did REALLY want candy the other night, so Jason ran up to the store and brought me back a whole array of stuff.  This is only a bit, I originally had 2 boxes of Nerds, 2 giant Sweet Tarts, and another Spree.  :)

7.  I am on the email list for Babies R Us (even though I despise that store more than anything...I get overwhelmed, and can't find anything.  First time I went in there for a shower gift I was there an hour and a half for one present.  Ridiculous.)  ANYWAYS, I am on their email list, and got a coupon for $8 off any value pack of Pampers.  Pretty good deal, and I planned to use their Swaddlers anyway.  So Jason and I made our first purchase.  We got our little newborn diapers, then there was also a coupon for $3 off wipes.  PLUS an in store deal for 50% off value box of wipes when you buy a value box of diapers.  We ended up saving like $25 total!  I should be on extreme coupon.  Anyway, we got home and this is what happens when Jason wants to practice diapers:

Don't tell PETA.

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