Grayson info this week: Average length at 28 weeks is 14 inches with average weight being 1.7 lb. As we now know, he is a giant and has well surpassed this 1.7 lb marker. Not sure how much he weighs obviously, be he was 2.4 lbs at 26 a little more than that? Jason is thinking we probably have the new center for KU on our hands. His skill of the week: blinking! Apparently he has also been coughing, sucking, hiccuping, and taking practice breaths. He's also starting to have REM sleep cycles. His lungs are nearly fully mature as well! As for Grayson specifically: he has been kicking me in the ribs. This is a new development, and one that I am not a fan of. It feels like he wedges himself up under my ribs and starts moving around. Not comfortable!! Should be interesting for the last couple of months as he gets even bigger. We now have a new trick where I can put the TV remote on my stomach and it'll wobble back and forth as he kicks. It's so funny to see-cool for Jason too. He can see just how hard he's kicking!
We have gotten a lot of work done on the nursery! So exciting to see it all come together!! It is almost fully painted. We have some touch up work to do, and we still need to paint the chair rail. We did the chair rail all by ourselves! One note to people wanting to put up a chair rail: apparently Home Depot does not cut the pieces for you! We measured REALLY carefully, brought our measurements to them, and were informed that we had to do it ourselves. We were seriously there for about 2 and a half hours trying to get our measurements exact. Plus, for all of the corners, they have to be at a 45 degree angle and match up perfectly. We ended up doing a good job, but geez! His bedding finally came, and I am IN LOVE WITH IT! It is exactly what I hoped it would be. His crib came in yesterday too! Jason has started putting it together, but it's not done yet. I will put up pics of the fully assembled crib soon. I really want to put the bedding in it! We haven't bought our mattress yet though, so it's going to look weird if I do. Here are some pic updates:
28 wk bump, going out for Rangers game 7-lost :(
Starting to trim-you can see the lines on the wall where the chair rail will go
Allll Bailey wanted to do was play. She would come up behind us and whip her toy monkey into our backs until we threw it for her. (Side note: Before I get comments about paint fumes....I didn't paint much AT ALL. I helped trim a bit, and Jason rolled the rest while I was out to lunch!)
Not quite ready to get whole-room pics yet, but here's a small view of the colors/rail. I did a pretend set up of his bedding to see what it looks like with the wall colors!
Bumper pieces with his cute little name
Hope everyone has a happy Halloween!!
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