Thursday, July 21, 2011

14 weeks

Today is the 14 week mark!  Exciting!  I get excited at each new week though so Thursday's are always fun!  I had a doctor's appointment yesterday, and everything went really well.  We heard the heartbeat for the first time, and it was at 144 bpm.  The nurse said that was really good.  She also said that our little one was moving all over the place.  Again.  We are so screwed, I know we are going to have a super hyperactive child.  Maybe he/she just really likes the vibrations from the Doppler?   That's what I'm gonna keep telling myself.  I don't care, they can be as hyper as they'll be just be more fun and interesting for Jason and I!  :)  I actually lost a pound from my 10 week appointment until yesterday's.  Dr. Read wasn't concerned about it.  I guess it's only a problem if you lose 10% of your body weight, so that was reassuring.  I knew I hadn't really gained since I've been SO SICK!  8pm rolls around, and generally I go wayyy downhill.  I have good nights, but they are few and far between.  Here is a pic this morning at 14 weeks.  I really should work on having Jason take the pic and maybe put on something besides running shorts/tshirts.  I'll work on that.

As you can see, not a whole lot of progress in the bump department.  It's there, it's just smaller than most right now.  I've actually gone back on friends' blogs and looked at their 14 week pics, and it made me kinda sad because I am nowhere near what they were! :(   A lot were already in maternity wear, which I am not.  If not in maternity wear, they were at least wearing the Bella Band with their shorts/pants.  Everything still fits me the same.  I guess I shouldn't complain, but I really want it to pop out already!!

So, I told the doctor how sick I had been.  The nurse gave me these things called "Tranquil Tummy Crackers."  They were HORRIBLE.  I tried them last night.  Absolutely awful.  Pretty sure they did not help, and actually made me throw up.  Worst things ever.  They look like Cheez Its so I was hopeful, but nope.  Disgusting.    I do not recommend them for anyone.  Ever.  They did however give me a prescription that is safe for me to take for nausea.  I'm going to try it for the first time tonight and see if it helps.  I'll keep ya posted.

We went home last weekend for our BVN Class of '01 Reunion.  Not as exciting as I had hoped!  It was fun to see everyone, but it got old pretty quick.  A: I couldn't drink.  B: It was a bajillion degrees outside (did I mention it was an outdoor event?) and C: well...can't think of a C.  We didn't get home until almost 2am which caused this girl to be super sick the entire drive back to Texas the next day.  Blah.  I feel like I am still recovering.  No more late nights til this baby is out!!

On a fun note, we got a stroller and car seat!!  This was our first purchase for little Baby O, so I was really excited.  My mom, Jason, Terry, and I went to a sale at USA Baby on Saturday morning while we were in town.  Jason was game because we were doing First Watch after the baby store.  We were there early, and scored an awesome deal on our stroller/car seat.  I'm about as excited about our stroller as when I got Louboutins for my birthday...oh change in priorities.

Pics taken from my cell, so not the clearest but you get the idea.  The seat is so little!  Love the black and white...cute for boy or girl :)  Can't wait to put our little monkey in it!  Thank you to Terry and my mom for our fabulous stroller!  Baby O will look very fashionable in it.  Alright that's all for now!  

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