Monday, July 11, 2011

The news is out!!

FINALLY!!  It feels like Jason and I have been keeping this baby news a secret FOREVER.  We probably wouldn't have waited to the 11 week mark had we lived closer to our parents.  We both really wanted to see our parents reactions in person, so it was worth it to us to keep it a secret until we headed home!  First of all, we did tell a few people before our families were in on the secret.  I told my best friends Laura and Carrie pretty much right when I found out (I had to tell someone, it was driving me crazy).  So here's how we told everyone the news:
We were planning on waiting until we got home to tell everyone, but my dad decided last minute to stop in Dallas for a few days on a business trip.  I had been feeling horrible, and pretty much sick every single night so there was no way we could keep it a secret for the 4 days he was here.  Worked out well that he was coming the weekend before father's I told him with his father's day present!  I got him a wallet (his was in sad shape) and put our first sonogram picture in it.  He was really excited and wanted to call my mom immediately...but he had to keep it a secret now too!!  So he had 2 weeks to keep his mouth shut, which I'm sure was pretty hard for him.  We planned a dinner with my mom, dad, brothers, Courtney, and Patrick.  We had a private room at Hereford House (luckily I was over my meat aversion by the time this dinner came around).  My dad made a speech, as he does sometimes, and then I gave Patrick a little onesie that said "This little monkey is going to be a big cousin."  I think my mom was the only one that was really shocked, which I found really funny.  She immediately started crying.  Christopher, Brett, and Courtney were surprised, but not really...I think they knew it was coming.  I know Christopher did.  Wish I had gotten pictures, oops!!

After dinner, we headed back to the O'Bryan's house.  Jason had gotten a card for his mom with a gift card towards a flight to Dallas.  He wrote something along the lines of "After you go visit new baby Cullen, use this to get a flight up to Dallas to see new baby O'Bryan."  Jayme found out Mark will be in San Antonio for the season this year, so they will be close!  Ya!  Jordyn was in town, and she already it was mainly excitement from his mom and dad.  Sooo happy everyone knows!!

On another note:  this past week I went up to Minnesota with Brett, Courtney, Christopher, and Patrick to spend a weekend at Courtney's parents lakehouse.  It was beautiful up there!  It was such a nice departure from the 105 degree TX weather to 75-80 degrees every day.  We didn't even need air conditioning!  The house was all opened up, and I slept better than I had my entire pregnancy so far.  Fresh air does wonders.  It was such a great trip, and I really got to get to know Patrick's little personality.  He is the sweetest baby in the world!  He'll be serious staring you down and all you have to do is say hi to him and he'll break out in a huge smile.  So cute.  Here are some pics from our trip:

I also have been really bad about getting more belly pics.  I really planned on doing them every week...but I have forgotten a couple of weeks.  Oh well.  So here are a few in a row!

                                                           9 weeks...I call it a lump, not a bump

10 weeks, kind of dark sorry

12 weeks, first trimester done!  Big milestone

I definitely see a difference from 10 weeks to 12.  I am hoping it pops out really soon and I have definitive bump so people can actually tell that I'm pregnant!  Okay..that is all I have for now.  Sorry for the wordy post, I will try to not bunch so much stuff in at once next time!  Glad everyone can stay updated on the baby now from far away!

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