Tuesday, January 3, 2012

37ish weeks

Full Term!  Hard to believe this little man can come at any time now!  I am starting to do last minute things to get ready for him, which I have put off until now.  This past weekend I finally packed the hospital bag.  I still don't have everything in there, but for the most part I think it's good.  I have a little checklist of stuff I need from an iPad app, so I've just been following that.  Knowing me, I'm probably going to forget a few things and someone will have to go back to my house to get it while I'm there.  Oh well.  We also cleaned out the garage (when I say we I mean Jason) and installed the car seat base in my car.  We FINALLY finished his bathroom too!  About 5 months ago, I got the urge to tear down the wallpaper in our guest bathroom.  I got about halfway finished, then quit because it was coming off in little tiny pieces.  So our bathroom has been sitting there with half torn down wallpaper for that long.  Pretty.  Anyway, Jason texturized it, and we painted it the top blue color of Grayson's room.  We took down the huge mirror and replaced it with two individual mirrors over the double sinks, and replaced the light fixture.  The bathroom is black white and baby blue just like his room.  So!  That's done as well!  Lots of progress at the O'Bryan household :)

Old bathroom

New bathroom

I had my 37 week appointment last week, and everything went really well!  I was very relieved.  They did the sonogram to check his growth, and he measured in at a whopping 6lbs 8oz!  Hard to believe I have a full size baby in there!  My nephew Patrick was just a little over that when he was born...so weird!  They did a lot of technical measurements (head circumference, femur length, amniotic fluid measurement, etc) and everything came back great.  They said there's nothing to worry about it, and I just happen to measure small.  So good news all around!  I go back in tomorrow for my 38 week appointment.  As of last week, I hadn't really made any progress as far as dilating or effacement.  I'm guessing he will check again tomorrow?  I don't know.  I have been feeling VERY uncomfortable lately.  This little 6 pounder may or may not have broken a few of my ribs.  It used to just hurt when I pressed on them.  Now it hurts to take deep breaths, and you can pop one of them in and out of place.  Sick right?  So anytime he wants to vacate would be just fine with me! :)  Plus I really want to kiss his sweet face!

We have had Christmas and New Years since my last post too!  Christmas was very different being in Texas!  I thought I was going to be pretty upset Christmas Eve (which is when my fam always celebrates) but I ended up being alright!   We Skyped with them during present opening, and it really felt like I was almost there.  This is the extent of pictures we took Christmas Eve: 

Anyways, it was really fun being able to be in on everything back home!  My dad surprised everyone and got all of us iPad's!  I was shocked to say the least.  Jason and I were given our Christmas present early (my parents generously paid for our crib and bedding), so I was expecting some pajama pants at most :)  Christopher opened an iPad, then Brett & Court got one...THEN my mom got one...I was very happy with my crib, but I was a tad jealous haha.  I then opened our present, which they had disguised so it didn't look like one.  So fun, we love it!  Facetime is the best, and we have started using it quite a bit.  Jason's mom got an iPad as well, so we have been using it with her too!  Jason also got surprised with a trip to the Masters with my dad and brothers in April!  Brett had called me back in October when he found out he got tickets to "check" to see if Jason would be able to leave the baby.  Pretty sure Jason would go to the Masters even if Grayson was due in April ha!  He's really excited.  We then went to a candlelight Christmas Eve service in Mansfield.  Good...not nearly as good as my church back home, but it did the job.  Christmas morning, Jason's parents and little sister drove up from San Antonio and spent the day with us.  It was great to have family around on Christmas day.  Really sweet for them to make the 4 hour drive (well 8 roundtrip) to spend the day with us!  New Years Eve was extremely uneventful. Being 9 and a half months pregnant is not conducive for NYE :)  We ordered pizza and a movie, and struggled to stay up past 12.  TAD different than last year in New York or the year before in Jamaica!!  I was perfectly content staying home and relaxing, and next year will be even better with an almost 1 year old!  

Alright, that's all for this week!  I forgot to take a belly pic at 36 or 37 weeks.  Oops.  This one can count for 37 even though it's a day away from being 38 weeks :)  

And this picture just makes me laugh....this is her staring at me/straddling the couch while I work on the computer

1 comment:

  1. your hair is super cute, angie! congrats on grayson's arrival :)
