Thursday, October 6, 2011

Welcome to the third trimester!

How am I in the third trimester already??  That's kinda scary, not going to lie.  Grayson is the biggest wiggle worm in the world.  Seriously, this kid does not stop moving.   It's pretty fun to feel him all the time though!  I am feeling more and more connected to this little guy everyday, and cannot WAIT to meet him.  Jason has been out of town for the last few days for a work golf trip, so I've been pretty bored!  I'm wishing it was January already so that Grayson would be here to play with me :)  I also wish he would get off that sciatic nerve in my back.  It's been over a week now, and the pain has not let up.  Keep reminding myself that I'll forget about all of the bad stuff once he's here!

So Grayson info this week:  He's no longer an avocado, he's an eggplant now!  Once again, I need to go to the grocery store and check out an eggplant since I don't eat them.  At the 25th week babies average about a pound and a half and about 13 1/2 inches long.  I read that this is about the length of a recorder that you played back in elementary school.  Those things need to be banned...worst sounding instrument, especially played by a 7 year old.  From here on out, he starts growing more according to genetics.  I'm not sure what Jason weighed when he was born.  I know I was a little over 8 pounds.  My brother Brett was 8 something, and Christopher was in the 9's.  Good chance he could be big :)  His arms and legs have grown to almost the proportions that they'll be at birth.  His nostrils have cleared out and he is breathing through his nose.  He can make a fist and clasp things in his palm, and is able to learn and recognize mine and Jason's voices!  He's really close to being "fully functional" meaning his major organs are almost ready to work in the outside world.  That's comforting, but stay in there please :)

Here's me at 25 weeks:
Don't be jealous of my Jalepeno's t-shirt.  I was sick one time in middle school and my whole family went to Jalapenos without me.  They felt bad, so they brought me back a t-shirt.  Obviously it meant a lot  considering I still have it at 29.  I need new shirts.  

Dog update:
The other weekend, we found a bed that we thought Riley would be obsessed with.  She LOVES anything she can crawl under/in.  So we bought her this bed...even though it's meant for a cat.  It used to have a little mouse hanging down in front of the door.  We didn't want her to be embarassed, so we cut it off.  

I think Bailey was jealous.  She's a tad bigger than Riley (it's the breed, she's not fat!!) and can't fit in the door.  I came into the living room and found this:

If you can't fit, just smash the bed down and lay on top of it!  Such a problem solver.  Love my dogs :)


  1. Hi Angie. I truly enjoy reading your are so funny! It just cracks me up...the pics of the dogs on this post are just hilarious. I'm sure they keep you quite entertained! So glad you are doing well in your pregnancy and I'm so happy for you two! Can't wait to see pics of Grayson and one day hopefully meet him too. Again, so incredibly happy for amazing to see your childhood friends become moms! Love it!!!! Take care!

  2. Ha ha ha- HILARIOUS! "Mom, why are you taking a picture of me?"

    Your belly is tiny- all baby :) Eeeeekkkkkk SO excited to meet him too!
